Thursday, 1 March 2012

Prostate Cancer Treatment-Prostate Cancer Patients-Type Of Lung Cancer-Aggressive Therapy

Some with lung cancer get unhelpful radiation

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older adults who have surgery for a particular type of lung cancer often have radiation therapy afterward. But a new study suggests that the radiation typically does nothing to extend their lives. The findings, which appear in the journal Cancer, highlight the overall issue of "overtreatment" in medicine -- that is, giving patients tests and treatments that lack strong evidence of a benefit. In this case, researchers looked at government data on elderly Americans treated for a particular stage and type of non-small cell lung cancer. ... read more..

Older Prostate Cancer Patients Might Be Overtreated: Study

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 29 (HealthDay News) -- Seniors may not benefit from prostate cancer treatment, according to a new study that found aggressive therapy has become more common among men with short life expectancies and less aggressive forms of the disease. read more..

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