Thursday, 19 January 2012

Food And Drug Administration-Smokeless Tobacco Products-Healthday News-Protein Intake

Calories, not protein, matter most for fat gain

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When it comes to packing on body fat, how many calories you eat seems to count more than where those calories come from -- lots of protein, or very little. Researchers found that people who ate high-calorie diets all gained about the same amount of fat. Those whose diets were low in protein gained less weight overall than people on high- and moderate-protein diets, but that's because the low-protein group also lost muscle. "Huge swings in protein intake do not result in huge swings in body fat gain," said Dr. ... read more..

FDA to Weigh Safety of Tobacco Lozenges, Strips

TUESDAY, Jan. 17 (HealthDay News) -- They may look and smell a lot like candy, but dissolvable, smokeless tobacco products aren't for kids. The safety and risks of "dissolvables" are the subject of a three-day U.S. Food and Drug Administration meeting this week. read more..

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