Saturday, 31 December 2011

American Academy Of Ophthalmology-Retirement Funds-Healthday News-Liquid Assets

6 Basics for a Solid Retirement Plan

Standard financial-planning advice often begins with telling consumers to set aside three to six months of their spending needs in liquid assets. This is important, we're told, so that we have money stashed away for an emergency. Otherwise, we might have to sell investments at an inopportune time or dip into retirement funds. The assumption is that consumers have discretionary resources to begin with and thus have the luxury of a studied response to an emergency. read more..

Uncork With Care, Eye Experts Warn

SATURDAY, Dec. 31 (HealthDay News) -- If champagne is a part of your New Year's Eve celebration, use care when you pop the cork or it could turn into a dangerous projectile that can cause serious eye damage, the American Academy of Ophthalmology warns. read more..

Realistic Resolutions-New Year's Resolution-Blockbuster Drug-Ovarian Cancer-Breast Cancer

Imagining realistic resolutions for a fit New Year

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Have you already begun to fret over keeping that looming New Year's resolution to shape up in the coming months? Experts say while wishing will not make it so, visualizing your trimmer, fitter self can help to set you on the right path. "Visualize your success," advises fitness and wellness instructor Shirley Archer. "Imagine a perfect day where you are at fitness level that you want. How would you look and feel and what would you be able to do easily if you enjoyed your ideal fitness?" Then, said Archer, the author of "Fitness 9 to 5," get to work on specific goals. ... read more..

Avastin disappoints against ovarian cancer

Avastin, the blockbuster drug that just lost approval for treating breast cancer, now looks disappointing against ovarian cancer, too. Two studies found it did not improve survival for most of these patients and kept their disease from worsening for only a few months, with more side effects. read more..

Friday, 30 December 2011

Genetically Engineered Bird Flu-Blockbuster Drug-Dangerous Virus-Ovarian Cancer

US: Don't publish lab-bred bird flu recipe

Scientists have genetically engineered bird flu so it can spread easily between mammals — work necessary to prepare in case the dangerous virus ever mutates on its own and spreads from person-to-person. Now the U.S. government is asking those researchers not to publish the details in scientific journals. read more..

Avastin disappoints against ovarian cancer

Avastin, the blockbuster drug that just lost approval for treating breast cancer, now looks disappointing against ovarian cancer, too. Two studies found it did not improve survival for most of these patients and kept their disease from worsening for only a few months, with more side effects. read more..

Golden Globe Nomination-Genetic Testing-Gm Billy Beane-Healthday News

Moneyball stars Brad Pitt as Oakland A’s GM Billy Beane who used the power of me...

Moneyball stars Brad Pitt as Oakland A’s GM Billy Beane who used the power of metrics to craft a championship ballclub. Pitt earned a Golden Globe nomination for his portrayal.Moneyball is available as a digital exclusive. Rent or own it now.Source: read more..

Doubt Cast on Use of Genetic Test Before Plavix

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 28 (HealthDay News) -- A new review of existing research suggests that, despite a federal recommendation, genetic testing won't help physicians determine which heart patients should get Plavix, a blood-thinning drug used to treat certain cardiac conditions. read more..

Health Care Industry-Bachelor

Get ready! Get set! It's time to upload videos about your favorite charities to...

Get ready! Get set! It's time to upload videos about your favorite charities to YouTube and tag them with #P4A. Also, share, like, and comment on other Project for Awesome videos. Project for Awesome 2011 - Get Ready for the read more..

NY bill would require bachelor's degrees for RNs

New registered nurses would have to earn bachelor's degrees within 10 years to keep working in New York under a bill lawmakers are considering as part of a national push to raise educational standards for nurses, even as the health care industry faces staffing shortages. read more..

Government Officials-Prescription Eye-Deadly Virus-Bioethicist-Pharmacist

Bioethicist: Scientists should create deadly viruses

News that scientists made a deadly virus even more contagious causes a kerfuffle when government officials asked that the details not be published in a science journal. But should they even be creating such a lethal recipe in the first place? Bioethicist Art Caplan weighs in. read more..

You Say 'Durezol,' I Say 'Duresal' - FDA Warns of Drug Mix-Ups

If you want the prescription eye drops called Durezol, make sure your pharmacist doesn’t hand you a bottle of the salicylic acid-containing wart remedy Duresal. At least one patient has been seriously injured in just such a mix-up, according to a warning to pharmacists and... read more..

New Health Care Reform Law-American Health Officials-Insight: Breast Implant

Insight: Breast implant scandal shows regulators in dark on risk

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Long before the latest global breast implant scare, American health officials were toying with the idea of building a registry that would track patients with implants. The registry would give a better idea of the number of complications over time, such as rupture or infection. But to this day, none exists for the world's largest healthcare market, which often serves as a global model for regulatory practice. Some individual countries in Europe have made their own attempts but with only limited success, and there is no continent-wide registry. ... read more..

Health Care Reform Battle Tops Health News for 2011

THURSDAY, Dec. 29 (HealthDay News) -- While no one story dominated health news in 2011, the ongoing debate over the legality of the new health care reform law was perhaps the most polarizing, with the case now set to go to the U.S. Supreme Court early in 2012. read more..

Thursday, 29 December 2011

New Health Care Reform Law-Dollar Budget Deficits-Child Care Assistance-Child Care Subsidies

Child care cuts force hard choices on parents

For years, child care assistance programs offered low-income parents a lifeline. But state legislatures dealing with multibillion dollar budget deficits during the recession have been targeting child care subsidies as one way to help balance their state budgets. read more..

Health Care Reform Battle Tops Health News for 2011

THURSDAY, Dec. 29 (HealthDay News) -- While no one story dominated health news in 2011, the ongoing debate over the legality of the new health care reform law was perhaps the most polarizing, with the case now set to go to the U.S. Supreme Court early in 2012. read more..

Los Angeles County Coroner-Transatlantic Flight-Leg Vein Thrombosis-Heart Condition

How to prevent blood clots on long flights

Heavy D died of deep leg vein thrombosis, exacerbated by his weight, a pre-existing heart condition and a Transatlantic flight, said the Los Angeles County Coroner. Blood clots, caused by long periods of sitting, have been linked to air travels for decades. Find out what you can do to prevent them. read more..

Vitamins, Omega-3s May Keep Brain From Shrinking: Study

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 28 (HealthDay News) -- Older adults with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins B, C, D and E in their blood performed better on certain measures of thinking abilities, and also tended to have larger brain volume, a new study finds. read more..

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

American Academy Of Pediatrics-Poor Urban Neighborhoods-Anorexia And Bulimia-Young Women And Men

Poor kids miss out on playtime, pediatricians say

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children in poor urban neighborhoods need more chances for old-fashioned playtime in their daily lives, says a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). A number of experts have raised concerns that children these days have little time for unstructured play -- which, they say, is important for kids' physical and mental development. The new report follows another from the AAP a few years ago, which argued that U.S. suburban children are "overscheduled" with formal classes and lessons, leaving them little time for simple play. ... read more..

Eating Disorders Can Last Well Beyond Teen Years

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 28 (HealthDay News) -- Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are typically thought to be diseases of young women and men. But researchers are finding that the personal demons that drive a young person to an eating disorder may linger into adulthood. read more..

Healthday News-Chorus-Aww

Are you ready to “aww, how cute”? We rewind our most-viewed pet videos in 2011 w...

Are you ready to “aww, how cute”? We rewind our most-viewed pet videos in 2011 with a playlist (, and don’t forget to congratulate Cat Hugs Baby Kitten as the #1 cat video of the year. Congrats, kitty. That was one cute hug.The most-viewed pet videos in 2011Source: read more..

Chorus Gives Voice to Those With Alzheimer's

THURSDAY, Dec. 22 (HealthDay News) -- Late December wouldn't be the same without the uplifting sound of holiday choirs, but there's a unique chorus in New York City, called "The Unforgettables," that's bringing new harmony to singers and audiences alike. read more..

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Mental Health Services-Emergency Room Doctors-Severe Depression-First Exposure-Cobra Starship

Mentally ill flood ERs as states cut services

Across the country, emergency room doctors are facing a spike in psychiatric crises — attempted suicide, severe depression, psychosis — as states slash mental health services and the country's worst economic crisis since the Great Depression takes its toll. read more..

If hearing Fun’s “We Are Young” on Glee was your first exposure to Fueled By Ram...

If hearing Fun’s “We Are Young” on Glee was your first exposure to Fueled By Ramen, you’re in for a treat. The 15-year-old punk pop label released albums from Panic! At the Disco, Gym Class Heroes, Paramore, Cobra Starship, and many others.Discover the goodness of Fueled By Ramen.Source: read more..

American Lung Association-Early Retirement-Healthday News-Spokeswoman-Resolution

3M offers early retirement to 4,900 employees

(Reuters) - 3M Co is offering early retirement incentives to 4,900 employees and expects about 15 percent to participate in the program, a spokeswoman for the diversified U.S. manufacturer said on Wednesday. "We are responding to the current economic situation by aggressively controlling costs and conserving cash," said spokeswoman Jacqueline Berry. 3M began to curb spending in the third quarter through a hiring freeze and reduced travel, she added. The company has about 80,000 employees worldwide, according to its website. (Reporting by John Stoll) read more..

How to Make Your Quit-Smoking Resolution Stick

MONDAY, Dec. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Quitting smoking is one of the most common New Year's resolutions, but it's easier said than done, with six of 10 smokers requiring multiple attempts before successfully kicking the habit, according to the American Lung Association. read more..

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center-Historical Context-Negative Effects-Healthday News

Neil Howe on Young Versus Old

GREAT FALLS, Va.—Economist and demographer Neil Howe sells himself as an expert on generations. He argues that when people are born determines the cultural and historical context in which they are reared and therefore their attitudes and values. His 1991 book, Generations, coauthored with the late William Strauss, proposed a cyclical view of U.S. history as a succession of idealistic or civic-minded—or reactive or adaptive—generations. read more..

Tips to Protect Skin From Cold Winter Weather

MONDAY, Dec. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Cold weather is drier and can have damaging or negative effects on skin, but there are steps people can take to look and feel better, according to Dr. Amy McMichael, a dermatologist at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C. read more..

Healthday News-Umbilical Vein-Newborn Babies-Umbilical Cord-Cord Blood

How should we cord blood collected?

The collection process is simple and easy, and does not hinder with the delivery or resultant care for your newborn babies. After the birth of your baby,the placenta is spake, your accoutre or nurse cleans a four- to eight- inch area of umbilical cord with antiseptic solvent and breaks the blood bag needle into the umbilical vein. The blood flows into the bag by sobriety until it stops, after which the collection is complete. The blood bag is clinched, sealed, and labeled. The collection typically takes two to four minutes. Three tubes of maternal blood are also haggard for testing. read more..

Chorus Gives Voice to Those With Alzheimer's

THURSDAY, Dec. 22 (HealthDay News) -- Late December wouldn't be the same without the uplifting sound of holiday choirs, but there's a unique chorus in New York City, called "The Unforgettables," that's bringing new harmony to singers and audiences alike. read more..

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo-Director David Fincher-Human Papillomavirus-Soundtrack Music

Aim HPV vaccination efforts at girls, study says

The most effective way to reduce the spread of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections through a population is to aim public health efforts at vaccinating a very high percentage of either girls or boys against the disease, but not both, a new study suggests. read more..

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo opens in theaters today. The New York Times ment...

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo opens in theaters today. The New York Times mentioned that director David Fincher used Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross’ “harsh and spooky soundtrack music to unnerving and powerful effect.”Download the soundtrack now.Source: read more..

Monday, 26 December 2011

Shoulder Massager-Frenzied Activity-The Perfect Gift-Healthday News-Reindeer Games

Deadly shoulder massager relaxes, strangles

If you think you’ve found the perfect gift for Grandma – and it happens to be a ShoulderFlex massager, buy her something else quick. The FDA is warning about a neck massager that lulls users into a relaxed state -- and then strangles them. Despite being recalled, it's still sold. read more..

Study Shows How Busy Reindeer Keep Their Cool

SATURDAY, Dec. 24 (HealthDay News) -- Reindeer have lots to do this time of year -- from playing their reindeer games to dragging heavy sleighs -- but despite all their frenzied activity they manage to keep cool under luxurious winter coats without getting dangerously overheated, researchers have found. read more..

National Marrow Donor Program-Government Compensation-The World Trade Center-Umbilical Cord Blood

How Should We Donate Cord Blood

If you could donate your baby’s umbilical cord blood to a public bank at no cost to you. Umbilical cord blood is affluent with blood-forming cells, cells are no longer required by your baby after the birth. But these cells may be required by someone else — someone with a life-grievous disease like leukemia or lymphoma who needs a transplant to survive. If you would like,you may be save any bodies life. If you could donate to the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Network of public cord blood banks, which is helping the patients in need every day. read more..

Tough choice looms on 9/11 health lawsuits

More than 1,600 people who filed lawsuits claiming that their health was ruined by dust and smoke from the collapsed World Trade Center must decide by Jan. 2 whether to keep fighting in court, or drop the litigation and apply for benefits from a government compensation fund. read more..

Classic Christmas Songs-Christmas Parade-Merry Christmas-Jackie Wilson-Chickens

Christmas Parade lets children read along and listen to chickens with bassoons,...

Christmas Parade lets children read along and listen to Chickens with Bassoons, ducks with trombones, and a tuba-playing bird, all marching along to the big bass drum. iTunes - Books - Christmas Parade by Sandra a free sample or buy Christmas Parade by Sandra Boynton on the iTunes Store. You can read this book with iBooks on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. read more..

We’ve uncovered a hidden holiday gem: Merry Christmas from Jackie Wilson. One of...

We’ve uncovered a hidden holiday gem: Merry Christmas from Jackie Wilson. One of the best R&B singers of his time, Jackie recorded 12 classic Christmas songs on this 1963 album.Merry Christmas from Jackie Wilson is on iTunes.Source: read more..

Norad Tracks Santa-Google Earth

Want to know where Santa is right now? Track his journey around the world in Goo...

Want to know where Santa is right now? Track his journey around the world in Google Earth and Maps on Subscribe to the Norad Tracks Santa YouTube Channel for "Santa cam" video updates from locations across the globe!NORAD Tracks Santa Channel - read more..

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Anonymous Donors-Miracle Workers-Layaway Angels-Secret Santas

Why layaway angels touch even Grinches

They've been called Layaway angels, Secret Santas and even Miracle Workers. Whatever you call them, the Frank Capra-esque anonymous donors who have been paying off strangers' layaway bills around the country are touching even the Grinchiest of hearts. read more..

University Of Illinois Medical Center At Chicago-University Of Illinois At Chicago

Mentally ill flood ER as states cut services
Mentally ill flood ER as states cut services
Dr. William Sullivan, an emergency department physician at the University of Illinois at Chicago hospital, is seen through a re-enforced window of a psychiatric evaluation room in Chicago December 21, 2011.

CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - On a recent shift at a Chicago emergency department, Dr. William Sullivan treated a newly homeless patient who was threatening to kill himself. "He had been homeless for about two weeks. He hadn't showered or eaten a lot. He asked if we had a meal tray," said Sullivan, a physician at the University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago and a past president of the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians. Sullivan said the man kept repeating that he wanted to kill himself. "It seemed almost as if he was interested in being admitted. ... read more..

University Of Illinois Medical Center At Chicago-University Of Illinois At Chicago

Mentally ill flood ER as states cut services
Mentally ill flood ER as states cut services
Dr. William Sullivan, an emergency department physician at the University of Illinois at Chicago hospital, is seen through a re-enforced window of a psychiatric evaluation room in Chicago December 21, 2011.

CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - On a recent shift at a Chicago emergency department, Dr. William Sullivan treated a newly homeless patient who was threatening to kill himself. "He had been homeless for about two weeks. He hadn't showered or eaten a lot. He asked if we had a meal tray," said Sullivan, a physician at the University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago and a past president of the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians. Sullivan said the man kept repeating that he wanted to kill himself. "It seemed almost as if he was interested in being admitted. ... read more..

The Emergency Room-Medical Treatment-Medical Decisions-Medical Care

Decision sharing tied to lower cost for kids' care

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Parents who report having an increased involvement in making decisions about their children's Medical Treatment are more likely to see lower risks of their kids going to The Emergency Room or being hospitalized, according to a new study. The researchers, who looked only at families with children who have long-term health conditions, also found that those who joined doctors in making Medical Decisions had lower costs for their kids' Medical Care. ... read more..

Emergency Rooms-Humerus Bone-Baby Boomers-Broken Arms-Upper Arm

Broken arms among boomers likely to rise

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Broken Arms send several hundred thousand Americans to Emergency Rooms each year, and a new study suggests that number could rise by nearly a third by 2030, when the youngest Baby Boomers will have just turned 65. Researchers looked at data on 28 million ER visits across the U.S. in 2008 and found 370,000 cases of fractures in the Humerus Bone of the Upper Arm. Kids between the ages of 5 and 9 accounted for the highest overall number of humerus breaks, but the arm injuries also spiked among women after age 40 and men after age 60. ... read more..

Retirement Plan

12 Retirement Resolutions for 2012

There are some new developments that could help you save more for Retirement in 2012, including a higher 401(k) contribution limit and better access to 401(k) fee information. Of course, your ability to save and invest will largely determine your retirement success. If you're aiming to improve your finances in the new year, try to incorporate a few of these tips into your Retirement Plan. Here are 12 ways to get better prepared for retirement in 2012. read more..

Retirement Plan

12 Retirement Resolutions for 2012

There are some new developments that could help you save more for Retirement in 2012, including a higher 401(k) contribution limit and better access to 401(k) fee information. Of course, your ability to save and invest will largely determine your retirement success. If you're aiming to improve your finances in the new year, try to incorporate a few of these tips into your Retirement Plan. Here are 12 ways to get better prepared for retirement in 2012. read more..

The European Commission-Ovarian Cancer-Chemotherapy-Cancer Drugs-Avastin

EU OKs Roche's Avastin for ovarian cancer

ZURICH (Reuters) - The European Commission has approved Roche's drug Avastin for treating women with newly diagnosed, advanced Ovarian Cancer, offering new options to sufferers previously limited to surgery and Chemotherapy. The Swiss drugmaker is the world's largest maker of Cancer Drugs. The EU's approval was granted for Avastin in combination with standard chemotherapy, it said in a statement on Friday. "Today's approval of Avastin marks the first major treatment advance in newly diagnosed ovarian cancer in 15 years," said Chief Medical Officer Hal Barron. ... read more..

Umbilical Cord Blood-Insurance Policy-Family Member-UCB

Umbilical cord blood (UCB) banking

Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) banking has become a new medical strength. It offers gravid parents a biological insurance policy that can be used in the event of a child or family member's life-grievous illness and puts patients in a position of control over their own treatment options. Still, its graduation to stuffy therapy in the clinical sphere trusts on breakthrough research that will prove its effective for a range of disorders. Booming the multipurpose cells found within the mono nuclear rational of Umbilical cord blood so that capable medication can be attained, abolishing its safety and limitations in HLA- mismatched acquirers, process its executions of action, and proving its substitute in a broad assortment of both rare and common illnesses and diseases are a few of the challenges left to gear. Yet, the tract is moving fast and new UCB- based therapies are on the skyline. read more..

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Flash Mobs-Holiday-Youtube

Channel your inner Santa this season and join YouTube's First-Ever Holiday Givin...

Channel your inner Santa this season and join Youtube's First-Ever Holiday Giving Flash Mob. Head over to, choose a project to fund and enter the promotional code 'YouTube' to have your gift matched.YouTube Blog: Join Our Flash Mob....FOR GOOD!youtube-global.blogspot.comOn a typical Friday afternoon at YouTube, you can expect to see most people scrambling to finish their work or getting ready for Google’s weekly TGIF meeting. This past Friday, something different occurred: the first-ever YouTube Holiday Giving Flash Mob. Flash Mobs? Aren’t those mainly for hipsters... read more..

Expert Advice

What was I just saying? 9 reasons you can't focus

What was I just saying? 9 reasons you can't focus
You walk into a restaurant to meet a friend and remember you were supposed to meet somewhere else. You leave your boss's office and, quick as that, forget the deadline she gave you for a new project. You had your keys in your hand, you were just holding them, and now they're gone — again. What's going on? Here, nine possibilities for why your mind is wandering, and expert advice on how to get your

You walk into a restaurant to meet a friend and remember you were supposed to meet somewhere else. You leave your boss's office and, quick as that, forget the deadline she gave you for a new project. You had your keys in your hand, you were just holding them, and now they're gone — again. What's going on? Here, nine possibilities for why your mind is wandering, and expert advice on how to get your concentration back. read more..

Friday, 23 December 2011

Bacterial Infection-Alzheimer's Disease-Antibiotic Overuse-Unexplained Fever-High Temperature

ERs often skip tests for young kids with fever

NEW YORK (ReutERs Health) - Babies and toddlers who arrive at the ER with an unexplained fever often receive no kind of diagnostic test to get at the source of the high temperature, a new study finds. Whether that's a bad or good thing is not clear, according to the researchers. But in some cases, the study found, ER doctors prescribe antibiotics without testing to confirm whether or not the child has a bacterial infection. And that could potentially lead to antibiotic overuse. Babies and children younger than three often develop fevers that have no obvious cause. ... read more..

Thinner Brains Could Signal Alzheimer's, Study Suggests

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21 (Healthday News) -- New research suggests that the outer edges of the brain are thinner in older people who may be destined to develop Alzheimer's disease, but there's currently no way to use the information to help people fend off dementia. read more..

Alzheimer's Disease-Dermatology Clinic-Drug Side Effects-Treatment Costs-Cancer Patient

Targeted drug side effects add to cancer costs

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Painful rashes and other skin-related side effects of newer targeted Cancer drugs may jack up treatment costs, suggests a new study. The average cost of treating each cancer patient who came into a dermatology clinic with skin, hair and nail complaints was almost $2,000, researchers reported this week. That included expenses related to doctors' appointments, dermatology medications and lab tests. Some patients with skin problems may have to delay or alter their treatment regimen if side effects are too severe, researchers said. ... read more..

Thinner Brains Could Signal Alzheimer's, Study Suggests

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21 (Healthday News) -- New research suggests that the outer edges of the brain are thinner in older people who may be destined to develop Alzheimer's disease, but there's currently no way to use the information to help people fend off dementia. read more..

Pesticide Exposure-Lung Infections-Pesticide Ddt

Moms' pesticide exposure tied to infection in kids

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A new report links remnants of a once-common pesticide to Lung Infections and wheezing in kids exposed to the chemical before birth. Known as DDE, the compound is a broken-down form of the harmful Pesticide Ddt and is found in many places around the world. It is absorbed into a person's body when they eat contaminated food or breathe contaminated dust. The study, published in the European Respiratory Journal, shows babies exposed to high levels of DDE in the womb grew up to have higher rates of pneumonia and bronchitis. ... read more..

Top Finance Officials-Health Care In Canada-Federal Government-Universal Public

Canada seeks a way to limit health-spending increases

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's Top Finance Officials will try at a meeting next week to come to grips with the Thorny Problem of how to limit the rising costs of the country's Universal Public health-care system in the face of an aging population. Health Care In Canada is a responsibility of the provinces, and since 2004 the Federal Government has been increasing by 6 percent a year the amount of money it provides them to help pay for the system. It has committed to keep on doing so through 2016, and since 2006 it has increased its annual payments to C$27 billion ($26 billion) from C$19 billion. ... read more..

Georgetown University-Finance Professor-Retirement

Retirement Roulette

These days, William droms can shock people in two different ways. When he’s in his classroom at Georgetown University, the finance professor tells his students how much they’ll need to save on their own, year by year, to retire. Start saving early enough, he says, and you could sock away a million bucks by putting away just 4 percent annually. They’re pretty confident they can do it, he says, until they see how fast inflation eats away at their nest egg. read more..

Alzheimer's Disease-Holiday Parties-Healthday News

Do This: Mind Your Waistline, Not Your Manners

As you make the rounds of Holiday Parties, remind yourself to eat only the foods you like best. Don't feel obligated to sample every dish at the potluck or buffet. Pick a few favorites -- even a sweet, in moderation -- and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables. read more..

Thinner Brains Could Signal Alzheimer's, Study Suggests

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21 (Healthday News) -- New research suggests that the outer edges of the brain are thinner in older people who may be destined to develop Alzheimer's disease, but there's currently no way to use the information to help people fend off dementia. read more..

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Drone Aircraft-Military Base-Drone Pilots-Stress

Overstretched drone pilots face stress risk

Overstretched drone pilots face stress risk
A technician supporting U.S. Navy SEAL Team 18 works on a UAV, an unmanned aerial vehicle, before a demonstration of combat skills at the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Flying drone aircraft over Afghanistan from the comfort of a military base in the United States is much more stressful than it might seem, even for pilots spared the sacrifice of overseas deployment and separation from family and friends. America's insatiable demand for drone technology is taking a heavy toll on Air Force crews, with just under a third of active duty pilots of drones like the Predator reporting symptoms of burnout and 17 percent showing signs of "clinical distress." That's when stress starts undermining their performance at work and their family lives. ... read more..

President Dmitry Medvedev-HIV Infections-Hiv Crisis-Russia

Insight: Russia says no to West's way with HIV

Insight: Russia says no to West's way with HIV
To match Insight RUSSIA/HIV

MOSCOW (Reuters) - In 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev said heroin was a threat to Russia's national security. This year, Russia pledged to finance programs to reduce the harm done by drug use, including an HIV crisis that is one of the most severe in the world. But even though the number of new HIV infections in Russia jumped 10 percent over 2011, health workers and global HIV authorities say Moscow has not honored that promise. This is not due to a lack of cash - Russia is doubling its budget for HIV in 2012 from 2010 levels. At issue is how it will use the funds. ... read more..

Canadian Researchers-Technical Problems-Cochlear Implants

Problems with cochlear implants rare in kids: study

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Canadian Researchers have found that over the last 20 years, three percent of deaf children who got Cochlear Implants at their hospital needed new ones because of Technical Problems. Just a couple of those kids suffered a drop in hearing or speaking skills after the new devices were implanted, the team reported this week in Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. The study's senior author, Dr. Blake Papsin, said that despite the low rate of repeated implants in kids, most will need a new device put in at some point in their lives. ... read more..

Top Finance Officials-Health Care In Canada-Federal Government-Universal Public

Canada seeks a way to limit health-spending increases

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's Top Finance Officials will try at a meeting next week to come to grips with the Thorny Problem of how to limit the rising costs of the country's Universal Public health-care system in the face of an aging population. Health Care In Canada is a responsibility of the provinces, and since 2004 the Federal Government has been increasing by 6 percent a year the amount of money it provides them to help pay for the system. It has committed to keep on doing so through 2016, and since 2006 it has increased its annual payments to C$27 billion ($26 billion) from C$19 billion. ... read more..

Michelle Bernstein-Potato Pancakes-Hanukkah-Chef

Chef Bernstein modernizes Hanukkah dishes

Food and wine pairings for the Hanukkah table

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Potato pancakes are still a staple but chef Michelle Bernstein also likes to reinterpret some of the Hanukkah dishes from her Latin-Jewish upbringing to celebrate the holiday. In her book "The Macy's Culinary Council Thanksgiving & Holiday Cookbook," the classically-trained chef who has won praise for the Latin cuisines at her restaurants Michy's and Sra. Martinez in Miami, shares recipes from her childhood. The Miami native spoke to Reuters about her food memories of the eight-day "festival of lights" which begins on Tuesday. ... read more..

Dermatology Clinic-Drug Side Effects-Treatment Costs-Cancer Patient-Skin Problems

Targeted drug side effects add to cancer costs

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Painful rashes and other skin-related side effects of newer targeted Cancer drugs may jack up treatment costs, suggests a new study. The average cost of treating each cancer patient who came into a dermatology clinic with skin, hair and nail complaints was almost $2,000, researchers reported this week. That included expenses related to doctors' appointments, dermatology medications and lab tests. Some patients with skin problems may have to delay or alter their treatment regimen if side effects are too severe, researchers said. ... read more..

Chronic Granulomatous Disease Hystiocytic-Myelodysplastic Syndrome-Sickle Cell Disease

Which Diseases Treated With Stem Cells:

Following list of some of the Diseases that have been treated with cord blood and other sources of the same type of Stem Cell, like bone marrow. For hereditary genetic conditions, the child will not be able to use his or her own Stem Cells. A matched sibling's stem cells would be the first choice. Stem cell therapies continue to change and germinate quickly. If you have treatment questions, please consult your physician for the latest information. Cancers Acute Leukemia Chronic Leukemia High-Risk Solid Tumors Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Myelodysplastic Syndrome Blood Disorders Beta Thalassemia Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Fanconi Anemia Severe Aplastic Anemia Sickle Cell Disease Immune Disorders Chronic Granulomatous Disease Hystiocytic Disorders Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Metabolic Disorders Krabbe Disease Hurler Syndrome Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Sanfilippo Syndrome read more..

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Do This: Mind Your Waistline, Not Your Manners

Do This: Mind Your Waistline, Not Your Manners

As you make the rounds of holiday parties, remind yourself to eat only the foods you like best. Don't feel obligated to sample every dish at the potluck or buffet. Pick a few favorites -- even a sweet, in moderation -- and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables. read more..

Youth Exposure to Unwanted Internet Sexual Encounters Drops

TUESDAY, Dec. 20 (HealthDay News) -- Increased public awareness and improved Internet security may be among the reasons why child and teen exposure to unwanted online sexual solicitations and pornography has declined in the United States, a new study indicates. read more..

FDA to review Pfizer rheumatoid arthritis drug

FDA to review Pfizer rheumatoid arthritis drug

(Reuters) - U.S. health regulators have accepted the application for Pfizer Inc's closely watched experimental rheumatoid arthritis drug, the drugmaker said on Tuesday. The Food and Drug Administration is due to decide on the drug, tofacitinib, in August. Pfizer said it has also submitted an application for tofacitinib to regulatory authorities in Japan. Tofacitinib is one of Pfizer's most important experimental drugs. An oral medicine, it could provide a more convenient alternative to a lucrative class of injected medicines for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. ... read more..

FDA to review Pfizer rheumatoid arthritis drug

FDA to review Pfizer rheumatoid arthritis drug

(Reuters) - U.S. health regulators have accepted the application for Pfizer Inc's closely watched experimental rheumatoid arthritis drug, the drugmaker said on Tuesday. The Food and Drug Administration is due to decide on the drug, tofacitinib, in August. Pfizer said it has also submitted an application for tofacitinib to regulatory authorities in Japan. Tofacitinib is one of Pfizer's most important experimental drugs. An oral medicine, it could provide a more convenient alternative to a lucrative class of injected medicines for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. ... read more..

Potential Method-Linda Franck-Babies-Sleep

Babies sleep better following afternoon vaccines

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Two-month-old Babies who receive immunizations in the afternoon Sleep better afterward than children who have their shots in the morning, according to a new study. The results suggest a Potential Method for helping babies sleep through the occasional discomfort that accompanies vaccination, rather than taking a fever reducer as has often been recommended. Sleep is important after getting shots, said lead author Linda Franck, because sleep "is a sign of a vaccine response, and it's important to maximizing that response. ... read more..

Monday, 19 December 2011

Potential Method-Linda Franck-Babies-Sleep

Babies sleep better following afternoon vaccines

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Two-month-old Babies who receive immunizations in the afternoon Sleep better afterward than children who have their shots in the morning, according to a new study. The results suggest a Potential Method for helping babies sleep through the occasional discomfort that accompanies vaccination, rather than taking a fever reducer as has often been recommended. Sleep is important after getting shots, said lead author Linda Franck, because sleep "is a sign of a vaccine response, and it's important to maximizing that response. ... read more..

George Washington University-Social Security Number-Student Credit Card-Washington, D.C.

Safeguard Your Child's Social Security Number

Jaleesa Suell, a senior at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., recently tried to establish credit by applying for a modest Student Credit Card. To her surprise, she was turned down. She later learned that someone had used her Social Security number to get a Credit Card in South Dakota, which the thief later defaulted on. Suell, a former Foster Child who overcame many obstacles on her path to college, now faces the daunting task of clearing off the blots on her credit record. "I've worked so hard to get here, but then this pops up. It's really frustrating," she says. read more..

Spa And Wellness-Cold Treatments-Amusement Park-Global Trends-Annual Report

From Amusement Park Spas to Snow Showers to Beauty Coaching: SpaFinder Forecasts Top 10 Global Spa Trends for 2012

Leading Spa Industry Expert Susie Ellis Releases Annual Report Identifying Trends and Ideas Poised to Reshape Spa And Wellness in 2012New York, NY (PRWEB) December 06, 2011 From “Amusement Park” spas to cold treatments like “show showers” to the arrival of beauty coaches, SpaFinder today released its annual Spa Trend Report™ forecasting the global trends and ideas that will reshape spa and wellness in 2012. ... read more..

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Vanity Fair Magazine-Christopher Hitchens-Esophageal Cancer-Holiday Parties-Complications

Do This: Mind Your Waistline, Not Your Manners

As you make the rounds of Holiday Parties, remind yourself to eat only the foods you like best. Don't feel obligated to sample every dish at the potluck or buffet. Pick a few favorites -- even a sweet, in moderation -- and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables. read more..

Esophageal Cancer: Facts and Figures

British journalist and author Christopher Hitchens died Thursday at 62 from Complications of Esophageal Cancer. The well-known contributing editor of Vanity Fair magazine had been diagnosed in June 2010. Here are some key facts and figures about esophageal cancer. read more..

Preventive Services Task Force

Factbox: How the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force works

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is an influential body of health advisers backed by the government to routinely weigh the benefits and risks of early screening for disease. For much of its 27-year history, the panel has helped persuade Americans to get screened early, but more recently it has come under fire for advice to limit testing that may do more harm than good for healthy people. Here are some facts about the panel: MEMBERS The Task Force is made up of 16 health experts: 13 doctors, two registered nurses and one academic. ... read more..

Performance-Enhancing Drugs-Canadian Sports-Canadian Doctor-Plea Agreement-Star Athletes

Canadian doctor to star athletes gets fine, no prison

BUFFALO, New York (Reuters) - A Canadian Sports doctor who treated top athletes and admitted bringing illegal Performance-Enhancing Drugs into the United States was sentenced on Friday to probation for his role in transporting drugs across the border. Dr. Anthony Galea of Toronto pleaded guilty in July to introducing misbranded drugs into the United States in a Plea Agreement under which stiffer charges he faced were dismissed. Prosecutors alleged Galea and a former assistant lied to border agents during more than 100 cross-border trips between 2007 and 2009. ... read more..

University Of California, Berkeley-Childhood Cancer-Australian Study-Leukemia Risk

Kids' leukemia risk tied to dads' smoking

Kids' leukemia risk tied to dads' smoking
An ashtray with cigarette butts is seen outside a restaurant in London

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children whose fathers smoked have at least a 15 percent higher risk of developing the most common form of childhood cancer, a new Australian study finds. "Paternal smoking seems to be real" as a risk factor, said Patricia Buffler, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who was not involved in the current analysis. "The importance of tobacco exposure and children's cancers has been overlooked until recently," Buffler told Reuters Health. "So I think this paper is important" in adding to the growing body of evidence. The research team, led by Dr. ... read more..

Bipartisan Medicare-Medicare Reform-Conservatives-Game Changer-Objections

Why Wyden-Ryan is a Game Changer on Medicare Reform

Ron Wyden and Paul Ryan's Bipartisan Plan for Health Care and Medicare Reform
Why Wyden-Ryan is a Game Changer on Medicare Reform

Last week, I wrote a lengthy summary of the new bipartisan Medicare and health-care reform plan from Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.). Today, I’d like to address some of the objections to the plan from both conservatives and liberals. Wyden-Ryan isn’t perfect—no plan that can get through Congress will ever be—but it’s likely to be our best chance at getting both parties to come together. If Democrats and Republicans can’t come together for something along the lines of Wyden-Ryan, Medicare reform is dead. On the other hand, if it succeeds, Wyden-Ryan may turn out to be one of the most significant legislative initiatives of the decade. read more..

Glenn Close wore many hats for passion project 'Nobbs'

Glenn Close wore many hats for passion project 'Nobbs'

LOS ANGELES ( - Almost three decades after she first played her onstage, Glenn Close has brought to the screen the strange and compelling character of Albert Nobbs, a woman in 19th-century Dublin who lives as a man to escape a traumatic past and hang onto her job as a waiter in precarious times. The actress wore multiple hats, and not just Nobbs' bowler: She bought the rights to the material, produced the film, co-wrote the screenplay, played the title role and even wrote the lyrics for the end-credits song. ... read more..

The Continental United States-Christopher Hitchens-Esophageal Cancer-Financial Strain

Do This: Mind Your Waistline, Not Your Manners

As you make the rounds of Holiday Parties, remind yourself to eat only the foods you like best. Don't feel obligated to sample every dish at the potluck or buffet. Pick a few favorites -- even a sweet, in moderation -- and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables. read more..

Dengue Fever Cases Subside in Florida, But Threat Remains

FRIDAY, Dec. 16 (Healthday News) -- While the alarming re-emergence in 2009 and 2010 of mosquito-borne Dengue Fever in the continental United States seems to have subsided, that's no reason to believe the potentially deadly infection won't be back, experts warn. read more..

Recession Hurt Parent-Child Ties, Survey Finds

THURSDAY, Dec. 15 (Healthday News) -- The recent Recession took a toll on parent-child ties, with parents who were under financial strain reporting that they felt less connected to their kids and kids saying they were less likely to act with generosity, a new study finds. read more..

What Is Esophageal Cancer, and Who Gets It?

Author and atheist Christopher Hitchens, 62, died Dec. 15 from esophageal Cancer. Hitchens was famously atheistic, even in the face of his own mortality. His final piece was written even as he succumbed to pain and the cancer took all of his strength. read more..

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Olympus Tells Lenders Cash Crunch-Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp-Cash And Deposits

Olympus tells lenders cash crunch looms: report

Olympus tells lenders cash crunch looms: report
Olympus Corp's digital camera is seen through a show window which bears rain drops and reflects lights from traffic at an electronic shop in Tokyo

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's disgraced Olympus Corp, whose balance sheet took a massive hit after it admitted to a long-running accounting cover-up, told lenders its cash and deposits could run out in 2015, a newspaper reported on Saturday. Senior officials from the company met lenders on Friday, telling them they would come up with a new business plan in early May that could include equity tie-ups to bolster its balance sheet. The company's main lender, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp, agreed at the meeting to continue its support for the company, a source told Reuters. ... read more..

Alexza Pharmaceuticals-Business Combination-Partnerships

Alexza to explore strategic options

(Reuters) - Alexza Pharmaceuticals Inc said it will explore options including sale of assets, strategic Business Combination, or Partnerships. The company has also given a 60-day notice of layoffs to all its employees to conserve cash to support operations. Alexza expects to significantly reduce its work force as it continues to pursue FDA approval of ADASUVE - its experimental anti-agitation therapeutic delivered via the company's Staccato inhaler to treat schizophrenia - and pursue its marketing authorization application work with the European Medicines Agency. ... read more..

University Of California, Berkeley-Childhood Cancer-Australian Study-Leukemia Risk

Kids' leukemia risk tied to dads' smoking

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children whose fathers smoked have at least a 15 percent higher risk of developing the most common form of Childhood Cancer, a new Australian Study finds. "Paternal smoking seems to be real" as a Risk Factor, said Patricia Buffler, a professor at the University Of California, Berkeley, who was not involved in the current analysis. "The importance of tobacco exposure and children's cancers has been overlooked until recently," Buffler told Reuters Health. "So I think this paper is important" in adding to the growing body of evidence. The research team, led by Dr. more..

Medicare Reform-Bipartisan Plan-Health Care-Ron Wyden-Paul Ryan

Ron Wyden and Paul Ryan's Bipartisan Plan for Health Care and Medicare Reform

Ron Wyden and Paul Ryan's Bipartisan Plan for Health Care and Medicare Reform
Ron Wyden and Paul Ryan's Bipartisan Plan for Health Care and Medicare Reform

This morning, Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.) and Republican Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) have shaken up Capitol Hill with an intriguing, bipartisan plan for reforming Medicare, and also the private-sector employer-sponsored insurance system. Politically, the plan is a huge boost to Mitt Romney, whose own remarks on Medicare reform hew closely to Wyden-Ryan; and also to House Republicans, who now have an easy retort to Democrats who were planning to attack Medicare reformers in the 2012 campaign. Substantively, the plan has many encouraging qualities, but there are also some important blanks that Wyden and Ryan will need to fill more..

Perceptual Changes-Fundamental Shifts-Generation-Prweb-Icaa

Study: Boomers Shifting Priorities, Redefining Aging

Research released today at Icaa 2011 reveals the “me” Generation has irrevocably changed.Orlando, FL (Prweb) December 02, 2011 Fundamental Shifts in the nation’s largest demographic group are leading to Perceptual Changes that will influence the market for Boomer-targeted products and services. That’s the word from Steve French, managing partner at the Natural Marketing Institute, who addressed active-aging professionals at the 10th annual International Council on Active Aging conference here. more..

Pandemic Flu Vaccine-Protective Levels-Pregnant Women-Flu Strain-Vaccine

Pandemic flu vaccine protected pregnant women

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The Vaccine against the new 2009 flu strain offered high levels of protection for Pregnant Women and their Babies, a new study from France suggests. Three weeks after the expectant mothers got the vaccine against the novel H1N1 flu, 98 percent of them had developed Protective Levels of antibodies against the virus, researchers found. And when their babies were born, 95 percent of them had enough antibodies to be considered protected as well, report Dr. Vassilis Tsatsaris from Groupe Hospitalier Cochin-Saint Vincent de Paul in Paris and colleagues. more..

Bone Marrow Transplantation-Cord Blood Stem Cells-The Immune System-Immune Cells

What are stem cells?

stem cells are the body’s “master cells” because they are the structure blocks of organ tissue, blood, and the immune system. Stem cells from Bone Marrow were first used to reformed blood and immune cells for patients who had accepted Chemotherapy for cancer. In the late 1980s, doctors started using Cord Blood Stem Cells to treat diseases that had antecedent been treated with Bone Marrow Transplantation. Today, cord blood stem cells are successfully being used and saving many lives. Stem cells from bone marrow were first used to converted blood and immune cells for patients who had accepted chemotherapy for cancer. In the late 1980s, doctors started using cord blood stem cells to treat diseases that had previously been treated with bone marrow transplantation. Today, cord blood stem cells are successfully being used and saving many lives. And they are also being researched in an galvanic new area of medicine called regenerative medicine, where scientists are using cord blood stem cells in experimental treatments for brain injury and immature diabetes. Stem cells are the body’s “master cells” because they are the structure blocks of organ tissue, blood, and the immune more..

National Transportation Safety Board-Personal Electronic Devices-Translucent Sexy Teddy

U.S. government health regulators are leaning toward adding new information about the risk of Blood Clots to the labels of widely prescribed Birth Control pills such as Yaz, in light of growing evidence suggesting the newer contraceptive drugs may be riskier than older more..

Some Causes of Stillbirth May Be Avoidable: Studies

TUESDAY, Dec. 13 (Healthday News) -- Stillbirth has long been a mysterious and devastating Pregnancy Complication. But two new studies are uncovering more about what causes stillbirth and the factors that may raise a woman's chances of having a stillbirth -- at least some of which are more..

Angioplasty Safe at Hospitals Without On-Site Surgery: Review

TUESDAY, Dec. 13 (Healthday News) -- Despite current guidelines, many people who have Angioplasty to open blocked Heart Arteries can safely undergo these procedures in hospitals that don't have on-site cardiac surgery capabilities, according to a new review of 15 more..

U.S. Safety Board Urges Nationwide Ban on Drivers' Use of Cellphones

TUESDAY, Dec. 13 (Healthday News) -- In the aftermath of a Deadly Crash in Missouri that killed two and injured 38, the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board is recommending a nationwide ban on drivers' use of cellphones and other personal electronic devices, except in more..

Marching to the beat of your own drum machine shirt

The latest offering from online retailer ThinkGeek is a fully-playable DJ-quality Drum Machine — which happens to be embedded in the front of a more..

Buffer App Lets Users Schedule Shares Directly From Twitter

Twitter app Buffer introduced a new feature this week allowing users to Schedule retweets directly from By installing Buffer with the new Twitter extension launched on Tuesday, users will now see a "Buffer" option on tweets alongside the normal built-in "Reply," "Retweet" and "Favorite" more..

Huntsman daughters talk social media, sing karaoke

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman may be lingering in the polls, but at least his three daughters have lit up the campaign trail. Abby, Liddy and Mary-Ann Huntsman gained an instant following when they started live-tweeting about life on the campaign more..

Why Facebook Uses MySQL for Timeline

A little-known fact about Facebook Timeline: It relies on MySQL, a database-management system that was originally designed to be used in small-scale applications on just one or a few machines -- a far cry from the 800+ million users of the world's largest social network. What gives?read more..

Ashlee Simpson, Pete Wentz divorce official

According to court records, a judge signed off on the split Nov. 22, as did the ex-couple. No other details are being released regarding their financial or custody more..

U.S. panel raps how agencies handle human research

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Government Agencies fund thousands of studies on Human Subjects, but do not have a very good handle on the Basic Information about that research -- possibly putting participants in harm's way, a Presidential Panel of reviewers has found. The presidential bioethics commission looked into the current protections for human subjects in a review triggered by evidence of unethical behavior in a 1940s experiment that deliberately infected Guatemalan prison inmates and mental patients with sexually transmitted disease. The commission earlier this year concluded that U.S. more..

Simple Style Embroridery Translucent Sexy Teddy Pink

• Hi,my dear viewers,this month I’d like to have a new topic about “each day one Sexy Lingerie”,I will recommend you our hottest and fashionable sexy lingerie for you everyday. And for the recommended items we specially hire a Sexy Model to show them well, I hope you like such kind of topic.
• Any good suggestions and [...]read more..

Role reversal: Chinese designers set to shine

Role reversal: Chinese designers set to shine
A model at the Uma Wang Milano Unica show

While the increasing popularity of European luxury brands in China continues to be a hot topic, Chinese designers themselves are becoming more and more prevalent, with online Italian luxury retail company Yoox Group announcing the addition of five Chinese creators to its sub-site more..

Report: Latin Americans embracing logo-clad designer apparel

Report: Latin Americans embracing logo-clad designer apparel
A model wears Salvatore Ferragamo's Spring-Summer 2012 line

A report published in WWD December 12 has revealed the findings of a recent luxury experts gathering at the Miami Festival of Media exploring Latin America's designer market. While focus has recently been on the growth of luxury labels in China, the results prove Latin America's designer market is also more..

Simple Style Embroridery Translucent Sexy Teddy Pink

• Hi,my dear viewers,this month I’d like to have a new topic about “each day one Sexy Lingerie”,I will recommend you our hottest and fashionable sexy lingerie for you everyday. And for the recommended items we specially hire a Sexy Model to show them well, I hope you like such kind of topic.
• Any good suggestions and [...]read more..

Amy Winehouse to be honored by 'VH1 Divas'

LOS ANGELES ( - Beehived "Rehab" chanteuse Amy Winehouse, who died in July, will be honored with a special tribute on the upcoming "Vh1 Divas Celebrate Soul." During the Episode -- which airs December 19 at 9 p.m. -- Florence Welch (of Florence + the Machine) and rockabilly legend Wanda Jackson will duet on Winehouse's "Back to Black," the title song of her 2006 Breakthrough Album. Meanwhile, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings -- who served as Winehouse's backup band on "Back to Black" -- will perform "You Know I'm No Good." The episode will also feature performances by Mary J. more..

Sweet dress, covering your abdomen proud flesh

Stripe design is always classic,and the dots blue skirt is really nice and elegant,these two elements getting together can has a good clad effect.The high waist design can covering your abdomen proud fresh,which is a good choice for the girls who have no confidence in the figure.

Round neck ,Short sleeve,short skirt style

Match with a short [...]read more..

'Batman' star Bale tries to visit China activist

'Batman' star Bale tries to visit China activist
In this photo taken on Monday, Dec. 12, 2011, English actor Christian Bale speaks to journalists during an interview on the red carpet as he arrives for an event of the Zhang Yimou-directed new movie

"Batman" star Christian Bale, in the midst of promoting a film he made in China that some critics have called propaganda, was physically stopped by government-backed guards from visiting a blind activist living under house arrest — with a CNN crew in tow to record the more..

Top 20 Concert Tours from Pollstar

The Top 20 Concert Tours ranks artists by average Box Office Gross per city and includes the average Ticket Price for shows in North America. The previous week's ranking is in parentheses. The list is based on data provided to the trade publication Pollstar by concert promoters and venue more..

12.16 Flower Embellished Sexy Three Pieces Lingerie Dress

Hi,my dear viewers,this month I’d like to have a new topic about “each day one Sexy Lingerie”,I will recommend you our hottest and fashionable sexy lingerie for you everyday. And for the recommended items we specially hire a Sexy Model to show them well, I hope you like such kind of topic.
Any good suggestions and [...]read more..