Sunday, 18 December 2011

The Continental United States-Christopher Hitchens-Esophageal Cancer-Financial Strain

Do This: Mind Your Waistline, Not Your Manners

As you make the rounds of Holiday Parties, remind yourself to eat only the foods you like best. Don't feel obligated to sample every dish at the potluck or buffet. Pick a few favorites -- even a sweet, in moderation -- and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables. read more..

Dengue Fever Cases Subside in Florida, But Threat Remains

FRIDAY, Dec. 16 (Healthday News) -- While the alarming re-emergence in 2009 and 2010 of mosquito-borne Dengue Fever in the continental United States seems to have subsided, that's no reason to believe the potentially deadly infection won't be back, experts warn. read more..

Recession Hurt Parent-Child Ties, Survey Finds

THURSDAY, Dec. 15 (Healthday News) -- The recent Recession took a toll on parent-child ties, with parents who were under financial strain reporting that they felt less connected to their kids and kids saying they were less likely to act with generosity, a new study finds. read more..

What Is Esophageal Cancer, and Who Gets It?

Author and atheist Christopher Hitchens, 62, died Dec. 15 from esophageal Cancer. Hitchens was famously atheistic, even in the face of his own mortality. His final piece was written even as he succumbed to pain and the cancer took all of his strength. read more..

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